Beneath the Scars Ministries is excited to announce the Roots Before Fruit One-Day Retreat with speakers, Jay McCormick & Beneath the Scars Ministries founder Maria Fonseca, event host, Hyun Jin Chang, and worship leader, Les John.
Join us for a day of rest and renewal as you invite God to examine the soil of you heart and cultivate new things in and through you. In the morning session, Maria Fonseca will discuss uprooting anything that has outlived its purpose, has been taking up space needed for new things, and weed out what may be hindering your spiritual growth.
Then prepare your heart in the afternoon as speaker, Jay McCormick equips you with tools, disciplines and practices that welcome God’s hand in planting new seeds to produce a new harvest in your life. Come with the expectation for God to till the soil of your heart, strengthen your faith, and grow your spiritual roots deeper in Christ.
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